
Monday, 28 October 2013

20 Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Continuous Tense, and Past Tense

Buatlah masing-masing 20 contoh kalimat pada masing-masing tenses. Satu kalimat terdiri atas (kalimat affirmative, negative dan interrogative).

1.      I have played futsal
I have not played futsal
Haye you played futsal ?

2.      Hilda has bought a laptop
Hilda has not bought a laptop
Has Hilda bought a laptop ?

3.      He has cleaned this room
He has not cleaned this room
Has he cleaned this room ?

4.      Agung has lived in Makassar since 1998
Agung has not lived in Makassar since 1998
Has agung lived in makassar since 1998 ?

5.      I have read a book
I have not read a book
Have you read a book ?

6.      Ricky has  written a letter for her mother
Ricky has not a written a letter for her mother
Has ricky written a letter for her mother?

7.      Hilda has driven the car
Hilda has not driven the car
Has hilda driven the car ?

8.      She has drunk the milk
She has not drunk the milk
Has she drunk the milk?

9.      He has drunk the milk
He has not drunk the milk
Has he drunk the milk ?

10.  Okto has eaten meatball
Okto has not eaten meatball
Has okto eaten meatball ?

11.  Yan has written a story
Yan has not written a story
Has yan written a story ?

12.  Ady has built a buildings
Ady has not built a buildings
Has ady built a buildings ?

13.  You have fed this cat
You have not fed this cat
Have you fed this cat ?

14.  We have gone to restaurant
We have not gone to restaurant
Have we gone to restaurant ?

15.  They have leapt the wall
They have not leapt the wall
Have they leapt the wall ?

16.  I have made a friedrice
I have not made a friedrice
Have you made a friedrice ?

17.  She has hidden the book
She has not hidden the book
Has she hidden the  book ?

18.  You have gone to campus
You have not gone to campus
Have you gone to campus ?

19.  You have seen that movie many times
You have not seen that movie many times
Have you seen that movie many times ?

20.  You have broken the glass
You have not broken the glass
Have you broken the glass ?

1.         I have been standing here since nine o’clock
I have not been standing here since nine o’clock
Have you been standing here since nine o’clok?

2.         They have been playing game for a long time
They have not been playing game for a long time
Have they been playing game for a long time?

3.         He has been watching television since eight o’clock
He has not been watching television since eight o’clok
Has he been watching television since eight o’clock?

4.         He has been smoking since 2006
He has not been smoking since 2006.
Has he been smoking since 2006 ?

5.         Indah has been working since morning.
Indah has been working since morning.
Has indah been working since morning ?

6.         Ruslan has been travelling for a week
Ruslan has not been travelling for a week
Has ruslan been travelling for a week ?

7.         Febrian has been waiting fizah for two hours
Febrian has not been waiting fizah for two hours
Has febrian been waiting fizah for two hours?

8.         Agung has been living in Makassar since 1998
Agung has not been living in Makassar since 1998
Has agung been living in Makassar since 1998?

9.         I have been drinking milk for two hours
I have not been drinking milk for two hours
Have you been drinking milk for two hours?

10.     She has been reading a novel for one week
She has not been reading a novel for one week
Has she been reading a novel for one week ?

11.     He has been washing a car
He has not been washing a car
Has he been washing a car?

12.     We have been working homework for two hours
We have not been working homework for two hours.
Have we been working homework for two hours?

13.     I have been running in field for an hour
I have not been running in field for an hour
Have you been running in field for an hour?

14.     It has been raining for three hours
It has not been raining for three hours
Has it been raining for three hours?

15.     He has been eating popcorn since ten o’clock
He has not been eating popcorn since ten o’clock
Has he been eating popcorn since ten o’clock?

16.     You have been sitting for two hours
You have not been sitting for two hours
Have you been sitting for two hours?

17.     Cakra has been driving for three hours
Cakra has not been driving for three hours
Has cakra been driving for three hours?

18.     Sasa has been cooking rice for an hour
Sasa has not been cooking rice for an hour
Has sasa been cooking rice for an hour ?

19.     Rahmat has been working in a hotel since 2006
Rahmat has not been working in a hotel since 2006
Has rahmat been working in a hotel since 2006 ?

20.     Firman has been writing a letter for two hours
Firman has not been writing a letter for two hours
Has firman been writing a letter for two hours ?

     C.   PAST TENSE
1.      I went to campus yesterday
I didn’t go to campus yesterday
Did you go to campus yesterday ?

2.      He hid the book two days ago
He didn’t hide the book two days ago
Did I hide the book two days ago ?

3.      She lost her ring yesterday
She didn’t lose her ring yesterday
Did she lose her ring yesterday?
4.      Okta made noodles last night
Okta didn’t make noodles last night
Did okta make noodles last night ?

5.      Ricky drank the coffee this morning
Ricky didn’t drink the coffee this morning
Did ricky drink the coffee this morning?

6.      Hilda found a wallet this morning
Hilda didn’t find a wallet this morning
Did hilda find a wallet this morning ?

7.      We went to restaurant last week
We didn’t go to restaurant last week
Did we go to restaurant lask week ?

8.      I ate friedrice this morning
I didn’t eat frieadrice this morning
Did you eat friedrice this morning ?

9.      He ran in field yesterday
He didn’t run in field yesterday
Did he run in field yesterday ?

10.  She wore jacket two days ago
She didn’t wear jacket two days ago
Did she wear jacket two days ago ?

11.  Febrian tore a paper this morning
Febrian didn’t tear a paper this morning
Did febrian tear a paper this morning ?
12.  Akbar wrote a story last week
Akbar didn’t write a story last week
Did akbar write a story last week ?

13.  Febrian sent a flower this morning
Febrian didn’t send a flower this morning
Did febrian send a flower this morning

14.  She sang a song yesterday
She didn’t sing a song yesterday
Did she sing a song yesterday ?

15.  They saw a ghost in class yesterday
They didn’t see a ghost in class yesterday
Did see a ghost in class yesterday ?

16.  He bent a fork this morning
He didn’t bend a fork this morning
Did he bend a fork this morning ?

17.  Indah came to my house yesterday
Indah didn’t come to my house yesterday
Did indah come to my house yesterday ?

18.  Ruslan drove a car this morning
Ruslan didn’t drive a car this morning
Did ruslan drive a car this morning ?

19.  Hilda learned English last night
Hilda didn’t learned English last night
Did hilda learned English last night ?
20.  Febrian drew fiza face’s on paper last night
Febrian didn’t draw fiza face’s on paper last night
Did febrian draw fiza face’s on paper last night ? 


  1. Thanks... Sangat membantu :D

  2. untuk penulis.... hati2 dalam membuat contoh. contoh anda nomor 6. present perfect (Ricky has a written a letter .....) salah, ini berbahaya jika di buat pedoman oleh pemula. yang benar Ricky has written a letter....)

  3. wow thanks yah...aku sangat dibantu ....God Bless

  4. thank"s under information

  5. Ka contoh kalimat negatif dari He Has not written the letter gimna ka minta bantuannya🙏
